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Site and forum for TruForge -- MineCraft Hardcore Factions PvP Server.

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    Post  zombiekilla96 Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:32 pm

    So, I don't get what's with this server lately. People *cough*Remedy*cough* seem to absolutely rule the server, while factions such as my own lose all their valuables through a glitch, then lose a 400 stack obby base built brand new, lost in a glitch a few hours after it was completed. I know that life isn't fair, but factions like Remedy just own the server considering their un-raidable base, while other factions get glitched into. I'm sick of the glitches, I'm sick of the monopoly, and I'm sick of the OP classes, and the people that master classes within a few hours of the new map. This is my resignation from the TruForge server until things change, because I'm fed up at this point.

    Posts : 34
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    Post  AirCougar Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:47 pm

    Bye zombie Sad we will miss you man.

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    Post  freakishdelight Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:07 pm

    zombiekilla96 wrote:So, I don't get what's with this server lately. People *cough*Remedy*cough* seem to absolutely rule the server, while factions such as my own lose all their valuables through a glitch, then lose a 400 stack obby base built brand new, lost in a glitch a few hours after it was completed. I know that life isn't fair, but factions like Remedy just own the server considering their un-raidable base, while other factions get glitched into. I'm sick of the glitches, I'm sick of the monopoly, and I'm sick of the OP classes, and the people that master classes within a few hours of the new map. This is my resignation from the TruForge server until things change, because I'm fed up at this point.

    Noooooooooooooo SadSadSad ....

    Just found out about the new base .... im really not happy I may not have helped build it but I did do all the work in supplying the obby .... (it doesnt matter if I like to mine, its a matter of hard work just disappearing Razz)
    I have to say with the constant annoyance of remedy at our already destroyed base last night and the fact i died within 5 secs i felt as you do now... I understand Twarner is mastered his chosen class but as for the other members who so easily killed me within seconds also and i remembered armor that I was wearing with my last few deaths ... I am yet to work out why Splitter does no work for me, I know im pretty bad at the whole pvp thing but hence why I chose the executioner path.... Again the few things we have built up are going to have to stay in the wilderness, as the foundation for our new base is now gone .... So much work and materials SadSadSad

    It's not going to be the same, we were coming together as a faction and as friends, hope to see you back soon Zombie ...

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    Post  ninjar12 Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:28 pm

    Zombie I have been feeling the same way im sick and tired of remedy using all these glitches that no one else knows but they get rid of the glitches that everyone knows they mite say its to help the server but its just favouritism. I am also sick of losing everything in glitches even in the old map we lost stacks of Diamond and iron blocks because of glitches in the server and now in this map we lost the obby base and we lost all our diamonds iron gold everything including the elite swords but no i will not be quiting the server for i thinking it may get better. ( It probably wont because admins never listen to us and never help any more) So good by zombie you will be missed Haha it was just as we starting not hating each other Razz Good bye we will miss you Sad

    Posts : 81
    Join date : 2011-11-27

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    Post  Admin Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:19 am

    You know, I was going to let this go, but I can't. I'm too fucking sick of it.

    With zombie, I know he made this post (which I haven't seen until a little while ago) before I talked with him. And, these kind of things can be expected of zombie. He's a helpful, knowledgeable, good player, but he is passionate, makes rash decisions and tends to fly off the handle. Something of this nature is honestly not surprising.

    It's ninjar's tag-along post FOUR HOURS LATER that has me pissed for a number of reasons.

    1) First, you numbskulls need to stop glorifying Remedy. Are they really that big and scary that they need to be put on a fucking pedestal? Does everyone need to worship and fear them? Surpise -- Remedy isn't any better than any other faction. They are just united and hard-working, and what they do well is take advantage of other factions' mistakes.

    2) Second: "glitches no one else knows?!" Stop fucking scouring the wastebin of your ego looking for an excuse as to why Remedy is currently succeeding. I've watched them. They are barely even glitching. And they are absolutely not doing things no one else knows.

    What furthermore decimates the case against Remedy is the fact that "the other side" lacks cohesion and honesty. You want to know how norm got in on MuffinMen? He just set a home, nothing more. He sacrificed himself to death in order to get the home set. Then he used creeper eggs. Which he bought only an hour before setting the home.

    I was talking to AirCougar about it and Drew was denying even being online when MuffinMen was raided. I checked out everything norm said and the logs and times and even the creeper explosions entirely checked out. Drew was online, and it was stupid mistakes that Drew made that enabled norm to raid MuffinMen. But none of you children are capable of being civil or reasonable for even a moment -- no one can just say "oh, yeah, I fucked up and they got me for it." No, you all go into DENY DENY DENY ACCUSE ACCUSE ACCUSE mode.

    Everyone should stop looking for the easy excuse (oh, they're cheating) (oh, they're hacking) (oh, they're overpowered) and just fucking MAN UP, realize it's a game and you will win some and you will lose some. Get. The fuck. Over it.

    3) Third - "favouritism?!" Favoritism?! Favoritism?!?!? Are you fucking kidding me? Remedy annoys me just as much as they annoy anyone else, how the everliving fuck do you stoop so low as to add "favoritism" into your excuse list? That's absolutely pathetic. This is a gigantic irony -- you're complaining about favoritism when the ONLY faction to get anything (if Hjel listened to me and restored anything) after a server glitch is RXN. Not to mention, I made it specifically clear for no one to let people know that you guys got things back, because everyone would whine and people who are not as trustworthy as freaky would try to claim they lost way more than they did. What the fuck happened? I sign on and I get people bitching that I favor RXN cause they got things back. Who is it that couldn't keep their fucking mouth shut?

    4) Fourth -- any time there is a server crash or glitch I have nonstop whispers and demands to restore items. Seventy-five percent of them are straight up lies. If one person catches wind that there was a glitch and someone is asking for items back, then EVERYONE floods me with a bunch of bogus requests. How am I supposed to weed through those? How am I supposed to figure out who's lying and who isn't? What do you actually want me to do? Do you want me to just say "okay" to everyone who sends me a message? Oh sure Minecraftplayernewb39532, sure you had 18 stacks of nuggets and 15 stacks of diamond blocks and 25 stacks of TNT disappear.

    5) Fifth -- Furthermore, there's the time me and my brother have put into those glitches/crashes and the server in general. You want to know why the RXN Secondary Base disappeared? Because someone fucking DDoS'd our server and there is incompatibility within our plugins.

    Why is there incompatibility? Because ever since CraftBukkit started being the necessity for running plugins, and ESPECIALLY for 1.2.3, they (and Minecraft in general) have been re-doing and altering code constantly, meaning our 40+ plugins need to actually be updated to 1.2.3 to work properly, because CB1.2.3 is way different than CB1.1, meaning any old plugin is broken.

    We spend a lot of time seeking alternatives for broken or outdated plugins to maintain the unique TruForge gameplay that the users have come to expect. Our server hasn't been saving regularly correctly because two developmental, test versions of plugins had compatibility issues, and then we got DDoS'd so the base disappeared. How the fuck can anyone have the audacity to demand that we simply know what the problem is before it happens. Bukkit (and especially Minecraft) kind of fuck us over with a game that is constantly changing with obfuscated code. Plugin devs get sick of redoing their plugins for every single update and we wind up stuck with holes that we need to find solutions to.

    It takes a hell of a lot of guess and check (and testing) for us to find out what's wrong -- if we even get to find out in the first place. The game, bukkit, and the plugins are made by a million different people doing things in different ways and making things for different versions.

    6) Sixth, I don't know what the fuck you're even whining about, ninjar -- I already told AirCougar that the base was going to be re-built by me specifically when he/freak could tell me what, how, and where it was made.

    Oh, but maybe I shouldn't, because apparently "admins never listen to us and never help any more." You can go ahead and be a blundering dolt and bitch about me, but you will not have the nerve to insult both me, and my brother.

    Minecraft is my favorite game and I used to play along with you guys. Back to favoritism -- people had a fit that I was in your faction and I protected you. And you have the gall to say we favor Remedy. That's just idiotic.

    But anyway, this is my favorite game. I used to spend a ton of time working but I was able to play a little. I haven't laid one block down, killed a single mob, or had one single PVP match in probably at least a month. I haven't "played" minecraft in forever. I am always dealing with tons of people's questions and problems through whispers the second I sign online up until I leave. I have made my girlfriend wait hours on dates for me because I'm trying to fix something or figure something out or answer a question.

    But, I never listen? I took a ton of comments and feedback on classes and I spent about 50+ hours working on the current class system, and I keep an eye on things watching for things to update to make sure everything is fair in an incredibly complex system. A lot of people had a lot of classes and styles they wanted, and I went way out of my way to try and include every single one of them. I have been continuing to seek help and test and figure out what is wrong with potions and enchantment, typically for very frustrating HOURS at a time with no results.

    And to come back to the DENY DENY DENY ACCUSE ACCUSE ACCUSE mentality that 95% of you users have -- not only do I get both real and fake/exaggerated messages about lost items or glitches, stupid questions, or help people find out how or why they got raided, I also deal with a million whispers and skype messages about people hacking. Almost all of them are complete bullshit and just this whining and refusal to just admit defeat or mistake. Every single active person on the server has been supposedly hacking at some point. I've had at least 15 people try to say katana did something (including several accusations of kat using plugins we don't even have or he has no access to), people say Air hacks, norm hacks, zombie hacks, nytro, aaron, banana, ninjar, cameron, ribald, ramses, evo, corlark, res, and way more. What is it that would make you happy? Would you be happy if I just believed everyone that sent me a message? Because none of you would even be here to play if we worked that way.

    So you can take your 500 full-64 stacks of Unappreciation, and your 500 full-64 stacks of Childish Whining and craft them into the world's biggest bedrock boot and shove it so far up your ass that you break your teeth. You're lucky that your sister is by far the best person I've ever met through Minecraft, because without my admiration of her, I don't know what conclusion I would come to with all this. But it's seeing things like that that make me wonder what the point of any of this is, or why I keep trying so hard. I keep putting hours in a day, I don't even play or enjoy myself, and I still wind up with snot-nosed comments like this? What the fuck.

    Last edited by Admin on Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:30 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 62
    Join date : 2011-12-27
    Age : 28
    Location : New Mexico, USA

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    Post  zombiekilla96 Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:28 am

    Go fox, I formally apologize for making this post, and I also apologize for the bullshit that it seemed to perpetuate xD

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    Post  katana Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:04 am

    +1 to admin

    Remedy? Favoritism? The fuck. I mean seriously. What the hell.

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    Post  Resurrex Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:43 am

    1 Word ...


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    Age : 27

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    Post  corlark Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:56 am

    Guys, there is always that "top dog" faction. It changes ALL the time though. When I first joined, it was either Blackwood or ZyR. Then it went to EcR. THHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEN it went to Crusade, then ZyR, then EcR, then whatever. Just saying, that it changes all the time.

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    Post  katana Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:53 am

    Silly corlark, it's always been ZyR Wink

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    Post  EvoExor Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:49 pm

    Just wait, when EcR is back on track there will be no remedy!

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    Location : Michigan, USA.. I like it here, the trees are the right height.

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    Post  Hjelmansson Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:29 pm

    Jelly is here bounce

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    Post  Resurrex Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:08 pm


    ==== Challenge Accepted ====

    Last edited by Resurrex on Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  cheapthrills Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:10 pm

    EvoExor wrote:Just wait, when EcR is back on track there will be no remedy!
    Remedy will prevail

    ====Challenge Accepted==== Twisted Evil

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    Post  twarner17 Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:13 pm


    ==== Challenge Accepted====

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    Post  corlark Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:19 pm

    Evo, fuck you Sad. You are never on skype, so how in gods name do you expect EcR to come back? Get on Skype Very Happy And fox.............. You mentioned my name even though I just started playing again! Yay! And all people from Remedy, you are bad. Time to make a giant obsidian lag creator outside of your base Very Happy

    Posts : 48
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    Location : Howard, Qld, Australia

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    Post  freakishdelight Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:56 pm

    Well personally I don't care who is Top Dog atm ...
    Half of RXN's problem is that we have yet to all be on to work together in establishing a some what (hard to raid) base ...
    And when there is more than just me, (ninjar Razz) well he is usually doing what he loves to do (pvp) (other members are weekend players more so)(and zombie is taking a break but will be back to take over the reigns or I will hunt him down and slap him with the reigns he has given me to look after Razz) And welcome back Corlark to your home Tru Forge Razz (someone to be respected no matter what faction she is in).. So RXN may sit in the shadows for awhile yet ... But I believe when we make a home that is comfortable and establish our resources RXN will hopefully arise in the ranks of Tru Forge once more Very Happy:D

    (and i can spend time learning the art of pvp... coz honestly it shits me.. how is it possible i can kick ass in for instance Mortal Combat with finishing moves that acquire an 8 button combo, BUT i cant control a mouse and click !!!!!!! This is not good for the confidence)

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    Age : 112

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    Post  katana Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:52 am


    ===ZyR FTW===

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    Location : Michigan, USA.. I like it here, the trees are the right height.

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    Post  Hjelmansson Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:33 pm

    Jelly's still here bounce

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    Post  Resurrex Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:34 pm

    The fuck are we saying.


    Lol I just realized that Hjel is like Canada so peaceful

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    Post  katana Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:47 am


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    Post  parkourmen Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:39 pm

    katana wrote:+1 to admin

    Remedy? Favoritism? The fuck. I mean seriously. What the hell.
    I think we must raid them >Very Happy as we know me and muffinmen got very close to finishing a raid on them. i thin kwe can, shame is they got there and destroyed how we were doingn it before we could finish.

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    Post  Resurrex Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:04 pm

    parkourmen wrote:
    katana wrote:+1 to admin

    Remedy? Favoritism? The fuck. I mean seriously. What the hell.
    I think we must raid them >Very Happy as we know me and muffinmen got very close to finishing a raid on them. i thin kwe can, shame is they got there and destroyed how we were doingn it before we could finish.

    You almost raided Remedy or RXN? It's very vague

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    Post  parkourmen Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:46 am

    Resurrex wrote:
    parkourmen wrote:
    katana wrote:+1 to admin

    Remedy? Favoritism? The fuck. I mean seriously. What the hell.
    I think we must raid them >Very Happy as we know me and muffinmen got very close to finishing a raid on them. i thin kwe can, shame is they got there and destroyed how we were doingn it before we could finish.

    You almost raided Remedy or RXN? It's very vague
    meh, i think you will find out >Very Happy

    Posts : 71
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    Post  parkourmen Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:23 pm

    Admin wrote:You know, I was going to let this go, but I can't. I'm too fucking sick of it.

    With zombie, I know he made this post (which I haven't seen until a little while ago) before I talked with him. And, these kind of things can be expected of zombie. He's a helpful, knowledgeable, good player, but he is passionate, makes rash decisions and tends to fly off the handle. Something of this nature is honestly not surprising.

    It's ninjar's tag-along post FOUR HOURS LATER that has me pissed for a number of reasons.

    1) First, you numbskulls need to stop glorifying Remedy. Are they really that big and scary that they need to be put on a fucking pedestal? Does everyone need to worship and fear them? Surpise -- Remedy isn't any better than any other faction. They are just united and hard-working, and what they do well is take advantage of other factions' mistakes.

    2) Second: "glitches no one else knows?!" Stop fucking scouring the wastebin of your ego looking for an excuse as to why Remedy is currently succeeding. I've watched them. They are barely even glitching. And they are absolutely not doing things no one else knows.

    What furthermore decimates the case against Remedy is the fact that "the other side" lacks cohesion and honesty. You want to know how norm got in on MuffinMen? He just set a home, nothing more. He sacrificed himself to death in order to get the home set. Then he used creeper eggs. Which he bought only an hour before setting the home.

    I was talking to AirCougar about it and Drew was denying even being online when MuffinMen was raided. I checked out everything norm said and the logs and times and even the creeper explosions entirely checked out. Drew was online, and it was stupid mistakes that Drew made that enabled norm to raid MuffinMen. But none of you children are capable of being civil or reasonable for even a moment -- no one can just say "oh, yeah, I fucked up and they got me for it." No, you all go into DENY DENY DENY ACCUSE ACCUSE ACCUSE mode.

    Everyone should stop looking for the easy excuse (oh, they're cheating) (oh, they're hacking) (oh, they're overpowered) and just fucking MAN UP, realize it's a game and you will win some and you will lose some. Get. The fuck. Over it.

    3) Third - "favouritism?!" Favoritism?! Favoritism?!?!? Are you fucking kidding me? Remedy annoys me just as much as they annoy anyone else, how the everliving fuck do you stoop so low as to add "favoritism" into your excuse list? That's absolutely pathetic. This is a gigantic irony -- you're complaining about favoritism when the ONLY faction to get anything (if Hjel listened to me and restored anything) after a server glitch is RXN. Not to mention, I made it specifically clear for no one to let people know that you guys got things back, because everyone would whine and people who are not as trustworthy as freaky would try to claim they lost way more than they did. What the fuck happened? I sign on and I get people bitching that I favor RXN cause they got things back. Who is it that couldn't keep their fucking mouth shut?

    4) Fourth -- any time there is a server crash or glitch I have nonstop whispers and demands to restore items. Seventy-five percent of them are straight up lies. If one person catches wind that there was a glitch and someone is asking for items back, then EVERYONE floods me with a bunch of bogus requests. How am I supposed to weed through those? How am I supposed to figure out who's lying and who isn't? What do you actually want me to do? Do you want me to just say "okay" to everyone who sends me a message? Oh sure Minecraftplayernewb39532, sure you had 18 stacks of nuggets and 15 stacks of diamond blocks and 25 stacks of TNT disappear.

    5) Fifth -- Furthermore, there's the time me and my brother have put into those glitches/crashes and the server in general. You want to know why the RXN Secondary Base disappeared? Because someone fucking DDoS'd our server and there is incompatibility within our plugins.

    Why is there incompatibility? Because ever since CraftBukkit started being the necessity for running plugins, and ESPECIALLY for 1.2.3, they (and Minecraft in general) have been re-doing and altering code constantly, meaning our 40+ plugins need to actually be updated to 1.2.3 to work properly, because CB1.2.3 is way different than CB1.1, meaning any old plugin is broken.

    We spend a lot of time seeking alternatives for broken or outdated plugins to maintain the unique TruForge gameplay that the users have come to expect. Our server hasn't been saving regularly correctly because two developmental, test versions of plugins had compatibility issues, and then we got DDoS'd so the base disappeared. How the fuck can anyone have the audacity to demand that we simply know what the problem is before it happens. Bukkit (and especially Minecraft) kind of fuck us over with a game that is constantly changing with obfuscated code. Plugin devs get sick of redoing their plugins for every single update and we wind up stuck with holes that we need to find solutions to.

    It takes a hell of a lot of guess and check (and testing) for us to find out what's wrong -- if we even get to find out in the first place. The game, bukkit, and the plugins are made by a million different people doing things in different ways and making things for different versions.

    6) Sixth, I don't know what the fuck you're even whining about, ninjar -- I already told AirCougar that the base was going to be re-built by me specifically when he/freak could tell me what, how, and where it was made.

    Oh, but maybe I shouldn't, because apparently "admins never listen to us and never help any more." You can go ahead and be a blundering dolt and bitch about me, but you will not have the nerve to insult both me, and my brother.

    Minecraft is my favorite game and I used to play along with you guys. Back to favoritism -- people had a fit that I was in your faction and I protected you. And you have the gall to say we favor Remedy. That's just idiotic.

    But anyway, this is my favorite game. I used to spend a ton of time working but I was able to play a little. I haven't laid one block down, killed a single mob, or had one single PVP match in probably at least a month. I haven't "played" minecraft in forever. I am always dealing with tons of people's questions and problems through whispers the second I sign online up until I leave. I have made my girlfriend wait hours on dates for me because I'm trying to fix something or figure something out or answer a question.

    But, I never listen? I took a ton of comments and feedback on classes and I spent about 50+ hours working on the current class system, and I keep an eye on things watching for things to update to make sure everything is fair in an incredibly complex system. A lot of people had a lot of classes and styles they wanted, and I went way out of my way to try and include every single one of them. I have been continuing to seek help and test and figure out what is wrong with potions and enchantment, typically for very frustrating HOURS at a time with no results.

    And to come back to the DENY DENY DENY ACCUSE ACCUSE ACCUSE mentality that 95% of you users have -- not only do I get both real and fake/exaggerated messages about lost items or glitches, stupid questions, or help people find out how or why they got raided, I also deal with a million whispers and skype messages about people hacking. Almost all of them are complete bullshit and just this whining and refusal to just admit defeat or mistake. Every single active person on the server has been supposedly hacking at some point. I've had at least 15 people try to say katana did something (including several accusations of kat using plugins we don't even have or he has no access to), people say Air hacks, norm hacks, zombie hacks, nytro, aaron, banana, ninjar, cameron, ribald, ramses, evo, corlark, res, and way more. What is it that would make you happy? Would you be happy if I just believed everyone that sent me a message? Because none of you would even be here to play if we worked that way.

    So you can take your 500 full-64 stacks of Unappreciation, and your 500 full-64 stacks of Childish Whining and craft them into the world's biggest bedrock boot and shove it so far up your ass that you break your teeth. You're lucky that your sister is by far the best person I've ever met through Minecraft, because without my admiration of her, I don't know what conclusion I would come to with all this. But it's seeing things like that that make me wonder what the point of any of this is, or why I keep trying so hard. I keep putting hours in a day, I don't even play or enjoy myself, and I still wind up with snot-nosed comments like this? What the fuck.

    Back to the 'And to come back to the DENY DENY DENY ACCUSE ACCUSE ACCUSE mentality that 95% of you users have -- not only do I get both real and fake/exaggerated messages about lost items or glitches, stupid questions, or help people find out how or why they got raided, I also deal with a million whispers and skype messages about people hacking. Almost all of them are complete bullshit and just this whining and refusal to just admit defeat or mistake. Every single active person on the server has been supposedly hacking at some point. I've had at least 15 people try to say katana did something (including several accusations of kat using plugins we don't even have or he has no access to), people say Air hacks, norm hacks, zombie hacks, nytro, aaron, banana, ninjar, cameron, ribald, ramses, evo, corlark, res, and way more. What is it that would make you happy? Would you be happy if I just believed everyone that sent me a message? Because none of you would even be here to play if we worked that way. ' bit.

    I dnt understand why people do that. i may of used to be one of them but i have tried to stop that. and i think katana and freak have been some of the BEST Mods EVER on this point. They are constantly getting tp'd to bases to prove how it was not a hack and was maybie not even a glitch.
    Some people even stand there and say 'THEY HACKED' as soon as someone gets a single diamond, there just good miners. they know where to look or just get lucky. Some of you even say after that 'Jk Jk' If its a joke, i dnt find it funny one bit. i dont know if any of you do but ill be suprised if you did.

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