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    The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D


    Posts : 34
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    The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D Empty The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D

    Post  AirCougar Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:00 pm

    This post is about LinkZeldaNavi hacking. He was using Kill Aura to kill me and other RXN members, and corlark. I have video proof of him doing so, and if you would like to see it, let me know and i will send it to you via Skype (really dont feel like uploading to Youtube, then here).
    But i also have 3 images, all proving that he does use hacks. The images are of him on his alternate account admitting to it. Which shouldnt matter because hacking is hacking. Also i asked him to type .fall and -fall on his LinkZeldaNavi account and refused to do so. Which i thought was odd.

    First picture saying he didnt use hacks This time but has used them before.
    The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D 2012-012
    Second image admitting to how he does hack.
    The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D 2012-015
    Third image says that he is "legit" on his other account, LinkZeldaNavi.But isn't legit on his Alt. Which doesnt matter because they are the same person. (Sorry for cut off, maybe check logs?)
    The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D 2012-016
    If you guys need any more info, there were plenty of witnesses that saw all of this.

    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2012-03-27

    The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D Empty Banning LinkLinkSilas AND LinkZeldaNavi?

    Post  LinkZeldaNavi Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:19 pm

    I see why LinkLinkSilas should be banned, but there is no freason for LinkZeldaNavi to be banned. On my LinkZeldanavi account, I have done no hacking or anything. I just went on LinkLinkSilas so I could own you guys. I just wanted a little fun for once, and I got it. But now I'm done hacking, so no need to ban anyone.

    Posts : 34
    Join date : 2012-02-12

    The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D Empty Re: The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D

    Post  AirCougar Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:43 pm

    LinkZeldaNavi wrote: I see why LinkLinkSilas should be banned, but there is no freason for LinkZeldaNavi to be banned. On my LinkZeldanavi account, I have done no hacking or anything. I just went on LinkLinkSilas so I could own you guys. I just wanted a little fun for once, and I got it. But now I'm done hacking, so no need to ban anyone.
    It shouldnt matter what account you are on, what matters is that both of these accounts are the same person that was hacking on LinkLinkSilas, so both should be banned.

    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2012-03-27

    The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D Empty Me Getting Banned

    Post  LinkZeldaNavi Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:02 am

    I can show you proof......
    All you have to do is come and FIGHT me, unless your scared that I still hack, which I DON'T! Twisted Evil

    Posts : 55
    Join date : 2012-01-24

    The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D Empty Re: The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D

    Post  Resurrex Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:54 am

    ROFL I'm going to shed a little light on this topic.

    I was there when this was taken I was a first person witness "as seen from one of the pics when I'm talking to Shaun (Ninjar)" and I know that these pictures are misleading

    The conversation went like this:

    LInk: "Oh I love this new texture pack"
    Someone else I forgot their name: "Oh are you talking about DokuCraft"
    Aircougar: "You mean the x-ray pack"
    Link: "Yeah" (As you can see he meant to respond to the "someone else" but Aircougar pushed in his comment first

    In addition to that Aircougar was bugging him so much (I know I was on skype with him atm) and kept saying that he hacks so he meant it out of Sarcasm and wasn't supposed to be taken literally as seen from the "you happy?" part of the 2nd picture.

    I know that Link responded by saying that he was hacking on one account (If you were serious Shame on you link I know you better than that) but I think that he was being sarcastic again. A lot of people on the server can't realize the difference between Sarcasm and realism so if they see a person say something that's "bannable" they immediately jump the gun. So Please get your facts straight before you post something so useless.

    Last edited by Resurrex on Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 62
    Join date : 2011-12-27
    Age : 28
    Location : New Mexico, USA

    The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D Empty Re: The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D

    Post  zombiekilla96 Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:16 am

    Well does it really matter if he was being sarcastic? How is anyone supposed to tell if he's being sarcastic or not on such a touchy issue? This is why sarcasm doesn't work on the internet, unless it's extreme (not subject matter, but the way in which people phrase the sarcastic phrase). Another reason why I find this hard to believe is that in Link's defending on this forum post, he has not once mentioned the possibility of sarcasm, which is why it strikes me as strange that Res is so quick to say this is the cause for such alarm. Call me crazy, but this seems like a personal attack on Cougar, more than an actual aid to Link, especially when you said "Please get your facts straight before you post something so useless.", when this post is anything BUT useless. This is Cougar trying to be responsible, and post suspicions of a possible hacker. He takes a professional approach by phrasing this post (with picture evidence, which would be pretty difficult to capture out of context, considering there are 3 pictures, each proving his point more than the last), which I think you could benefit from learning in the future Res, possibly without referring to someone's trustworthiness, or by taking an overall stab at someone's character to sum up a response. "Please get your facts straight before you post something so useless." Let me formally excuse Cougar for posting something as "absurd" as a hacking suspicion (Get the obvious sarcasm, Res?).

    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2012-03-27

    The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D Empty Re: The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D

    Post  LinkZeldaNavi Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:26 am

    zombiekilla96 wrote:Well does it really matter if he was being sarcastic? How is anyone supposed to tell if he's being sarcastic or not on such a touchy issue? This is why sarcasm doesn't work on the internet, unless it's extreme (not subject matter, but the way in which people phrase the sarcastic phrase). Another reason why I find this hard to believe is that in Link's defending on this forum post, he has not once mentioned the possibility of sarcasm, which is why it strikes me as strange that Res is so quick to say this is the cause for such alarm. Call me crazy, but this seems like a personal attack on Cougar, more than an actual aid to Link, especially when you said "Please get your facts straight before you post something so useless.", when this post is anything BUT useless. This is Cougar trying to be responsible, and post suspicions of a possible hacker. He takes a professional approach by phrasing this post (with picture evidence, which would be pretty difficult to capture out of context, considering there are 3 pictures, each proving his point more than the last), which I think you could benefit from learning in the future Res, possibly without referring to someone's trustworthiness, or by taking an overall stab at someone's character to sum up a response. "Please get your facts straight before you post something so useless." Let me formally excuse Cougar for posting something as "absurd" as a hacking suspicion (Get the obvious sarcasm, Res?).
    Key word in your lovely speech:Possible,When you said "This is Cougar trying to be responsible, and post suspicions of a possible hacker."

    Posts : 34
    Join date : 2012-02-12

    The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D Empty Re: The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D

    Post  AirCougar Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:07 pm

    LinkZeldaNavi wrote: I see why LinkLinkSilas should be banned, but there is no freason for LinkZeldaNavi to be banned. On my LinkZeldanavi account, I have done no hacking or anything. I just went on LinkLinkSilas so I could own you guys. I just wanted a little fun for once, and I got it. But now I'm done hacking, so no need to ban anyone.
    Will you guys just read that? That is basically him admitting (AGAIN) to using hacks when he killed us. That "My so called clean jar" topic he posted, should also be punishment to him for lying so hard straight through his teeth. He has never once said that him saying using hacks was a joke, but im sure now that Res brought up, "it was completely sarcastic" he will surely start rolling with that. Using hacks at any time,any account,ever is not okay. Especially to admit to it right when he uses it, and starts apologizing right away. EVER using hacks, and being caught doing so, or having proof to them admitting to it, should always lead to some punishment. If he gets away with this, I think it is then fine for anyone to turn on some quick PvP hacks, kill that douche bag they hate, then just say "Dude im sorry, it was an accident, ill promise to turn my hacks off next time we fight" and perfectly be fine.

    Posts : 55
    Join date : 2012-01-24

    The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D Empty Re: The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D

    Post  Resurrex Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:28 pm

    Mhm you're right zombie, It kind of was an attack but also was a mix up of stories. Link stop getting tangled in your lies and just tell the fking truth and the stories about the texture pack mix up was the wrong person it was TheblazingLion not Link (Sorry for the confusion silent )

    Posts : 11
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    The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D Empty Re: The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D

    Post  LinkZeldaNavi Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:13 pm

    You guys want the truth eh? I don't know if you can even handle it......

    Posts : 71
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    The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D Empty Re: The Witty Title of Link's Banning :D

    Post  parkourmen Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:16 pm

    LinkZeldaNavi wrote:I can show you proof......
    All you have to do is come and FIGHT me, unless your scared that I still hack, which I DON'T! Twisted Evil
    look, it air is correct. It dossent matter what account youur on, you still hacked and you could easly hack again. Also your trying to prrove you did ONE legit kill, if the other are hacked no one cares. you admiited your a hacker and i also think you should be banned for this.

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