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Site and forum for TruForge -- MineCraft Hardcore Factions PvP Server.

29 posters

    Moderator/Staff Applications


    Posts : 71
    Join date : 2012-04-02

    Moderator/Staff Applications - Page 2 Empty Parkourmen's Modrator applacation

    Post  parkourmen Mon Apr 02, 2012 5:46 pm

    Note: Look beofe i start my app i would like to admit i have done wrong on this server and apolligise for my actions. As i have got older i have relised how stupid i have been in the past and would love it if you could all just forgive and forgett.

    Your MC Name: parkourmen
    Why: I would like to become a mod on this server as i have been very dedicated to it and love to keep players haappy! if i was mod i would be able to help players and would be making sure to listen to all requests and ideas from players. I would be able to help you on some server bacics as i have been co owner on lots of servers also. If i was mod i would be ready to donate to truforge in its time of need. I would give it my all to help such a brilliant server.
    Age and Location: I live in the UK and am 12 years old. although i am 12 years old i feel you should still consider me as you say.
    Experience: I have. I have bee a high ranked player on nearly every server i play and have learnt alot more recently from it. I would like to make this server part of the group of servers i am ranked on.
    How often do you play: I had started out playing about 1 hour a day. but this has turned into morninngs or afternoons of playing and dedication to truforge.
    How long have you played:I have been playing since about 1.6 minecraft.
    How long have you been on TF:I'm not entirely sure how long i have spent on this server but i think it has been about 9 months. I have played this server most of my minecraft life.

    Other info: Please, take this under consideration i would love to be mod and help such a brilliant server further up its rise to glory. recently i have been advertising this server alot to as many of the people i know. I will try my very best for truforge. Thankyou for reading.

    Posts : 71
    Join date : 2012-04-02

    Moderator/Staff Applications - Page 2 Empty Re: Moderator/Staff Applications

    Post  parkourmen Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:22 am

    parkourmen wrote:Note: Look beofe i start my app i would like to admit i have done wrong on this server and apolligise for my actions. As i have got older i have relised how stupid i have been in the past and would love it if you could all just forgive and forgett.

    Your MC Name: parkourmen
    Why: I would like to become a mod on this server as i have been very dedicated to it and love to keep players haappy! if i was mod i would be able to help players and would be making sure to listen to all requests and ideas from players. I would be able to help you on some server bacics as i have been co owner on lots of servers also. If i was mod i would be ready to donate to truforge in its time of need. I would give it my all to help such a brilliant server.
    Age and Location: I live in the UK and am 12 years old. although i am 12 years old i feel you should still consider me as you say.
    Experience: I have. I have bee a high ranked player on nearly every server i play and have learnt alot more recently from it. I would like to make this server part of the group of servers i am ranked on.
    How often do you play: I had started out playing about 1 hour a day. but this has turned into morninngs or afternoons of playing and dedication to truforge.
    How long have you played:I have been playing since about 1.6 minecraft.
    How long have you been on TF:I'm not entirely sure how long i have spent on this server but i think it has been about 9 months. I have played this server most of my minecraft life.

    Other info: Please, take this under consideration i would love to be mod and help such a brilliant server further up its rise to glory. recently i have been advertising this server alot to as many of the people i know. I will try my very best for truforge. Thankyou for reading.
    Where i said i think i have been playing TF for about 9 months i think i started about 5 months. thanks Smile

    Posts : 6
    Join date : 2012-04-07
    Age : 26
    Location : Surrey, England

    Moderator/Staff Applications - Page 2 Empty Application

    Post  Misterkaye1 Sat Apr 07, 2012 5:14 pm

    Your MC Name: Misterkaye1

    Why: Hello. I have started to become an active player on TruForge in the past few weeks. I really enjoy playing. I am not quite as interested as becoming a mod as sort of a helper person. I think it would be helpful if i just sort of got a title that said "Helper". Where I just help new players. I could explain the basics or even help them get started on a base. Of course I could moderate too though. I am solely interested in becoming part of TruForge staff to help out the TruForge community.

    Age and Location: I am 14 years old. I live in England.

    Experience: Yes, I have had a bit. I had my own server for about two days then shut it down cause i was helpless at configuring plugins. Currently, and for the past year, I have been an Admin on Flameus's server. Im sure you know who he is, he plays on TruForge a lot too. During this one year of being an admin, I have really learned how to help people and deal with heated situations. I have had to deal with a large amount of rule breakers even though it is a relatively small server. So, I know what I'm doing.

    How often do you play: I tend to play everyday. A lot longer on weekends though.

    How long have you played: I started playing mine craft in the last few updates of Alpha.

    How long have you been on TF: I joined a really long time ago, but I only became really active recently.

    Other info: Just a recap... I would like to become a moderator, but I would prefer to become an official "Help" person. I enjoy helping people with questions. I am quite familiar with the factions plugin and all the rules of the server.

    Posts : 127
    Join date : 2011-11-29
    Age : 112

    Moderator/Staff Applications - Page 2 Empty Re: Moderator/Staff Applications

    Post  katana Sat Apr 07, 2012 5:39 pm

    Kaye, moderator = helper person. There is no advantage to being moderator other than being more trusted and listened to. Kick/ban/mute are rarely, if ever, used.

    Posts : 6
    Join date : 2012-04-07
    Age : 26
    Location : Surrey, England

    Moderator/Staff Applications - Page 2 Empty Re: Moderator/Staff Applications

    Post  Misterkaye1 Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:52 am

    Ok then change the idea of my application. I would like to be a moderator =P

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2012-04-13

    Moderator/Staff Applications - Page 2 Empty Flameus's Application For Mod-Ship

    Post  Flameus Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:55 am

    Your MC Name: Flameus

    Why: I have been on this server and seen things change. I Have run a couple other server and been mods of many others. I feel like i could really help others. I have taken care of about 100 griefers so i know how to handle a lot of situations. From griefing to hacking to just shear Annoyance. I know struggles of server owners and i can be a big help. I don't plan to abuse my mod ship and i never have before. I Mainly want to help.

    Age and Location: 14 Year Old Living In England-Cobham

    Experience: I Have My Own Server And It Is Still Running Today. I Have also been the mod of multiple servers and have proven to other owners and mods that i am trustworthy and helpful.

    How often do you play: Around 4-5 Hours A Day Depending Whether The Server Is Up.

    How long have you played: The Early Ages Of Alpha

    How long have you been on TF: About 3-5 Months (I Think 4)

    Other info: I have run 5 servers. From Beta 1.2 to Full Release 1.2.5

    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2012-01-04
    Age : 27

    Moderator/Staff Applications - Page 2 Empty Re: Moderator/Staff Applications

    Post  corlark Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:02 am

    Your MC Name: corlark
    Why: Explain here why you want to become a mod, and what you would be able to do for this server as a mod. Moderate the server. (When it's back up XD) Help out when admins are offline, the general things mods are supposed to do.
    Age and Location: This is for extra info. Spacing out staff may be useful for around-the-clock help on the server. Some 12 year olds are more mature than 50 year olds, so don't feel like you need to lie. Lying is not something a staff member would do. 15, Ohio.
    Experience: Have you been an owner/admin/mod/op of a server before? If so, detail it. Yeah, Kat's server was the one I am mod on, op on a couple servers.
    How often do you play: Zero seconds a day. (Probably between 2-4 hours a day when the server get's up)
    How long have you played: A while
    How long have you been on TF: A while.
    Other info: Anything else you want to add. Nothing.

    Shitty application. Enjoy Smile

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2012-07-09
    Age : 29
    Location : Usa, Maryland

    Moderator/Staff Applications - Page 2 Empty Silvernug Application

    Post  Silvernug Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:53 pm

    I for some reason want to get back into minecraft, and what better way to do so then to be a moderator on my old favorite server. I imagine after the server being down so long that many of the moderators have abandoned their positions. If that is the case, i would be happy to become one to help out. I recently donated, iron, for no reason really:P. I missed this server, and can't wait to rejoin, moderator, or not.

    Posts : 60
    Join date : 2011-11-27
    Location : Michigan, USA.. I like it here, the trees are the right height.

    Moderator/Staff Applications - Page 2 Empty Re: Moderator/Staff Applications

    Post  Hjelmansson Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:01 pm

    KCz posted his in the wrong area, moved it for him..

    mc name KCzASSASSIN
    why i wanna be mod is becuz i would like to do what ever i can to help the server out and i wont use mod powers for no reason only for good reason only and i would do any thing to be a mod
    i have been playing mc for like 2 years now had my own server but the i shut it down and yeah i wanna be mod hjel affraid affraid drunken bom cheers cheers Basketball cyclops @ Arrow Idea I love you

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2012-01-19
    Age : 27
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    Moderator/Staff Applications - Page 2 Empty mod mod mod mod

    Post  cameron8969* Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:43 am

    Your MC Name:Cameron8969
    Why: Ive been playing alot sence the server came back up and have seen many hackers and would like to help out. And the other mod arent on at my time so i can cover that time zone.
    Age and Location:Age= 14 Location=Marion NC
    Experience: I have owned a server and have been admin before and ive been mod on 1 server
    How often do you play: About 15 hours out of 24.
    How long have you played: About 3 years mabey.
    How long have you been on TF: Atleast a year...
    Other info: Ive caught two hackers sence TF came back up and if you guys agree i think im right for the job Smile

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2012-01-18

    Moderator/Staff Applications - Page 2 Empty [Mod] Application

    Post  BananaBobzZ Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:46 pm

    Your MC Name: BananaBobzZ
    Why:I would love to take the possition "mod" because not only that i have had experiance but i would be happy to solve problems and gain other members trust. As a mod i would feel respected and dignified. I think i could help cover the hacking issues and abuse of certain permissions.
    Age and Location:

    Being truthful i am only 11 , i am pretty mature and can help resolve other incidants. My location is Wales , UK
    Experience: I have played lots and lots of different styled servers , but i have been mod on 2 [Craftasia] and [Buildcraft] Admin on [Craftasia] And Co-Owner on [NytroCraft]

    How often do you play: I play Truforge 2-3 hours when i have school , but when it's the holidays or the weekend i can play up to 5 hours

    How long have you played: I have played minecraft for around 14 months [1.4 Beta]

    How long have you been on TF: I have been playing TruForge for just under 1 Year

    Other info: I would love to be considered for this position because i have been waiting for this opertuinity for months! Very Happy

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2012-08-07

    Moderator/Staff Applications - Page 2 Empty Re: Moderator/Staff Applications

    Post  sethisgreat Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:03 am

    Player Name: sethisgreat
    why: i would like to be a mod so i can help the server with plugins and other stuff.
    Age and Location: I'm 11 and i live in Texas
    Experience: i'v been co-owner/head admin in 3 servers
    How often do i play: about 3 hours a day sometimes more..
    How long have a i played: iv played for about 2 years i think (around 1.2 Beta)

    Posts : 127
    Join date : 2011-11-29
    Age : 112

    Moderator/Staff Applications - Page 2 Empty Re: Moderator/Staff Applications

    Post  katana Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:51 pm

    Have you actually been on this server much, if at all?

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2012-08-07

    Moderator/Staff Applications - Page 2 Empty Re: Moderator/Staff Applications

    Post  sethisgreat Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:08 pm

    If you even look to see what i said... yes i have been on i joined a few days ago and i get on whenever the server is up and someones on..

    Posts : 81
    Join date : 2011-11-27

    Moderator/Staff Applications - Page 2 Empty Re: Moderator/Staff Applications

    Post  Admin Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:41 pm

    kat hush, lol

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2012-09-02
    Age : 28
    Location : MO

    Moderator/Staff Applications - Page 2 Empty Re: Moderator/Staff Applications

    Post  SubduedRhombus Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:49 pm

    Your MC Name: SubduedRhobus
    Why: I like this server's community and I could basically provide whatever help you needed.
    Age and Location: 16 MO
    Experience: I've been an OP on 1 server and I used to own one.
    How often do you play: Uh... I'm just getting back into minecraft after a bit of a hiatus.
    How long have you played: Since beta 1.2
    How long have you been on TF: Probably started late 2011
    Other info: Girls just want to have fun.

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